Identifying Antivirus Software
Most Antivirus software icons can be found in your computer’s status bar. If you are not sure which antivirus software is installed on your computer, our identification guide below will help you find which one is running on your computer. The status bar is the section on the Windows computer near the clock, typically located in the bottom right of the screen.
If your antivirus software is not listed, please contact your antivirus provider for further instructions.
NOTE: Exclusions for Mac OS can be found in Admin | Company Account in your Vision app.
Setting Antivirus Exclusions
IMPORTANT: It is recommended that antivirus exclusions are set up prior to installing Veriato Vision.
Setting antivirus exclusions is a common practice when installing monitoring software. Due to the nature of how monitoring software works, antivirus programs often mislabel and wrongly identify the software as a threat.
Setting an exclusion effectively tells the antivirus software to ignore the monitoring software, which allows Veriato Vision to run and operate as intended. Setting an exclusion for Veriato Vision will not compromise the security of your device.
NOTE: Our exclusion guides are meant as a reference. Depending on your version of the AV software and the architecture of your IT systems, additional exclusions may be required.
If you are having issues with your antivirus software and running the Veriato Vision installer, please review your antivirus provider documentation and support center for additional assistance.