Setting antivirus exclusions is standard practice when installing network-wide software. You exclude products you have purchased and trust from antivirus quarantine on installation.
Some antivirus programs acknowledge the value of workplace behavior and risk analytics provided by Veriato and other companies and do not interfere with our installations. Others may identify the agent software as a threat and move files to quarantine, preventing agent installation and operation.
Antivirus exclusions for this product will not compromise the safety of the device.
You are simply naming specific Veriato entities to be excluded from antivirus scanning. All other files, folders, and downloads are scanned. -
If you have many Windows OS endpoints:
We provide a PowerShell script that sets exclusions for our files in Microsoft Defender (Windows Security). Depending on how you use Microsoft, you may need these in addition to your primary solution exclusions. -
If you use a network-wide antivirus solution:
Provide the necessary exclusions to your IT Admin. Follow normal procedures to add Veriato exclusions to your antivirus policies for the devices you plan to monitor. The exclusion policy should be in place before you attempt to install the agent. -
If you manage network-wide Microsoft products and use Active Directory:
You can create a Group Policy Object using our file lists to ensure antivirus and security programs will not quarantine agent installation files or uninstallation files.
NOTE: Our software is legal, safe, and, in fact, good business practice on endpoints owned by your organization. Our Antivirus Exclusion Guides may be useful to you, but we recommend going to the latest support for the product you are using.
Where do I find antivirus settings?
Most antivirus software icons can be found in a computer's status bar. On a Windows computer, you can usually find the antivirus program icon under the status bar up-arrow (near the date/time). Press the arrow and click on the icon to open the antivirus console.
If your organization manages Windows devices across a network, you may be able to control virus scanning from an endpoint "profile." In the management application, look for antivirus "exclusion," "exception," or "whitelist" settings.
Check our Antivirus Guides for more instructions.