Applies to: Veriato Vision
Windows Agent 23R01
Agent Version 10.0.47360.34
May 2, 2023
Article No: 22996613785495
The Veriato Windows Agent has been revised to work with Veriato Vision as the "New" Windows Agent:
- Smart Screenshots - Added support for Smart Screenshots on launching Websites and/or Applications as specified in the Recording Policy.
- Agent Installation – On installation, the agent creates a device without a delay and checks in with the Device ID and Account ID.
- User / Device Registration – The agent successfully registers users and processes group information for licensing and recording at the endpoint.
- Groups – The agent retrieves group profiles, and records according to the group's assigned Recording Policy.
- Recording Policy – Added fallback recording policy hierarchy and logic (Device Policy > Account Policy > Install Policy) to ensure a recording policy is in place if the server cannot be reached.
- Agent Versions - Added the Agent version to all data captured and sent to the server.
Logon Events - Added the device's external IP address and remote Host Name data to Logon Event capture.
- FileTracking – The agent records and returns only file activity at the listed Recording Policy File Tracking locations,
- Email - Updated Email data to include Email Attachments in base64, excluding the attachment information currently not used in email event records.
- Alert Words - Updated the agent to request Keywords (Alert Words) only for registered users and respond to changes in the Alert Word lists.
- Applications – To allow a console user to see which app is active at any time, the agent flushes Active Time and sends an Application Event when the window focus changes. An agent on a 64-bit machine can capture 32-bit apps.
- Web Events – Browser extensions are always installed but the agent captures and returns extension data according to the Recording Policy.
- Logging - Created new internal logging to show data sent to the server.
- Data ingress – Updated the data structure to retrieve and include values required to process event data.
- Logging - Corrected the client log to prevent a syntax error on creating a session.
- Performance - Corrected several internal performance and installation issues.