Mac Agent 24R01
Agent Version 10.0.10780.81
July 15, 2024
Article No: 24914609941527
This release covers enhancements and Improvements for:
- Veriato User Activity Monitoring, Mac Agent 10.0.10780.81
- Veriato Insider Risk Management, Mac Agent 10.0.10780.81
- Veriato Vision, Mac Agent 10.0.10780.81
- Veriato Cerebral, Mac Agent 10.0.10780.81
Mac Agent Enhancements
- Website Blocking – Websites accessed in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome can be blocked and redirected to a selected web page. A message box popup informs the user that the site is blocked. The data returned includes a “trigger” to identify the blocking type used for the site (with a redirect, without a redirect, and other tags.).
- Microsoft Teams (Web) – The Mac agent now records web-based MS Teams chat and events in browsers.
- Chat (Facebook) – Facebook chat messaging (inbound/outbound in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers) is recorded and appears on relevant console pages.
- Chat (Google) –Google Chat conversations are recorded and returned with the chat type “GoogleChat” (for Veriato UAM-IRM, Vision) or “XMPP” (for Veriato Cerebral).
- Brave – Support now includes website recording for the Brave browser.
Mac Agent Improvements
- Installation – The “Enable Safari extension” popup automatically appears following installation and device restart.
- Installation – Browser extensions are installed as expected on Sonoma OS machines.
- Stealth Mode – When the recording policy setting is enabled, the agent is not visible to the endpoint user.
- Recording – Corrected a problem that caused the incomplete recording of websites, emails, and search events. Updated browser extensions (including Firefox) to use a Native App for improved communication and capture. Fixed a recording policy delivery issue and updated internal data collection, time stamps, and logging for accurate data delivery. Refactored/replaced deprecated API’s and functions. We have refined user/group profile management.
- Chat – If MS Teams is closed or accessed from another machine, ongoing conversations are captured when the user launches Teams. For Teams and iMessage conversations, all participant names appear in Data Explorer and Event Details. Data is no longer duplicated in the Event Details fields.
- Screenshots – When the agent receives a recording policy update, continuous screenshots are paused and then restarted or stopped as directed by the recording policy.
- Document Tracking (Cloud) - Cloud Storage events (in Google Drive, DropBox, and One Drive) are returned with the appropriate Add, Rename, Modify, or Delete action. Document activity is displayed in the console app pages as expected.
- Email - From, To, CC, BCC, and Email Body fields are captured for inbound and outbound Outlook, Office365, and Hotmail emails in all supported browsers.
- Email - The browser’s application name (not “Unknown”) appears in email events.
- Websites – Website and Search events are uploaded immediately on a tab change or by minimizing the browser.
- Websites (Chrome) - Data Explorer shows the correct Active Time for a site opened from a link (e.g., via “Open in a new tab” or browser “History”).
- Websites – Website and Online Search activities now appear in Data Explorer with the application name “Edge.” Mac Firefox recording was updated to reliably capture website, search, and webmail events. Web “post” data is now being captured as expected in Safari.
- Website Screenshots – “Smart Screenshots” triggered by a website occur in Edge and Chrome browsers as expected.
- Screenshots – The agent reliably captures and returns Smart and Continuous Screenshots with minimal duplication. When the Mac endpoint is locked, no blank screenshots are taken. Internal image processing that sometimes causes the agent to crash has been corrected.
- Utility Notarization – Tools used for agent uninstallation and support are notarized for acceptance by the endpoint’s Privacy & Security.
- Log files – Logging is reduced when not in debug mode and log files older than 15 days are automatically removed.
- Agent Version – Updated the Mac Agent build number format.
- Uninstall – The Mac Uninstaller removes all agent-installed files and reboots the device to complete agent uninstallation. The Mac agent can now be remotely uninstalled (to come for some app consoles).