Release 1.6.1
November 29, 2023
Updated December 4, 2023
- Windows Agent – An updated Windows Agent (version 10.0.47383.2) ensures the capture of inbound and outbound chat messages in the recent Microsoft Classic Teams update (version Support for the Microsoft New Teams client will be added in the next release.
- Productivity – The method for calculating “Active Time” has been revised to consider the elapsed time of an application event rather than a strict sum of focused activity. This credits more active time for a user working rapidly between two apps (e.g., Chrome and Edge) with quick changes in window captions (new URL or tab). The calculation provides consistent Active Time, Activity Charts, and Timelines.
- Download Agents – Customers now have the option within the wizard to create a “reboot” or “no-reboot” installer for the Windows or Mac OS Agents.
- Reporting – The Add Report wizard step that specifies how often to run a scheduled report has been renamed “Frequency” (instead of “Timeframe”).
- Groups & Policies / Endpoint Agents – Customers can now hide and unhide “historic” users and devices they are no longer managing.
- Recording Policy - Application blocking has been removed as obsolete for customers using the Veriato Windows Agent (v10.0.x).
- Alert Words – An alert is triggered for a full keyword match (not for a partial match).
- Future Products – Internal changes and upgrades are in place for managing improved future products.
- Productivity – The “Logged-in Time” time for the previous day is correct for the user’s activity regardless of Login/Logout events.
- Data Explorer – On export to CSV, the date/time format adheres to the user’s preferences. Data Explorer event details now consistently display a username.
- Data Explorer > Mobile – The File Tracking page appears with the correct panel header. The Events by Sender filter chart for Mobile > Text Messages displays the correct table format.
- Chat/IM Event Details - Addressed a problem that caused incorrect parsing of Unicode language characters in Teams.
- All Users – Clicking the Refresh button clears a current Search entry.
- Reporting – Generated reports no longer show a 403 error.
- Endpoint Agents – Dates and times are shown correctly in PDF and CSV Exports.
- Alert Word Settings – Special characters are allowed when adding an Alert Word, but a message appears when ONLY special characters comprise the “Add” entry. To avoid display issues, Alert Word Categories are limited to 50 characters.
- Login & Access Control – A login account’s access to users and devices is denied or allowed according to “Limiting Groups” privileges on all pages. Changing the “Current Login (You)” password shows a Success message.
- Active Directory Integration – Server-side errors that appeared during Active Directory Integration were corrected.
- Antivirus Exclusions – Additional testing in various antivirus products is improving the exclusion list for the Mac Agent.